Here's my way to do it with 4 people on Verruckt:
Firstly everyone must get as much money/score as they can. I do it by shooting the zombies a couple of times let them come in then I knife them and then repair the windows. I would only do this for the first 2/3 rounds.
Next the people starting on the left (the guys with juggernog) get up to the power room and activate the power. The other 2 then follow them up. You then hopefuly you allget good weapons from the box. and I would all get bettys and place them at the window inside the power room. Try also to get the Juggernog and (although you dont have to but i would) the Revive soda. I would get them first because when it gets tough it is almost impossible. A way to make it easy is to get a crawling zombie. One guy looks after the zombie with the others get what they need, then swap. This is called "Crawl of Duty"
Once you all get the good weapons and perks open the other door through the power room and you end up in a butcher room go through that to get the speed cola. I then camp in the butcher room with 3 people on the door and 1 on the window. There is a window in the speed cola room but no zombies seem to come through it. Place all bettys in the power room and the corridor between the power room and the butcher room. I got to round 27.
Good luck because you do need a lot of it.
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