This did help me out a bit. I had a pretty general understanding of the settings, but its good to know the specifics. But I'm not a big pc gamer, however this was very nice piece. I'm sure there are some users here who know this stuff already and would like to brag about it :roll:
I can care less if these games look "kiddie" (such a lame termonology). Pokemon games are great RPGs and are genuinly fun. Go ahead and play your more "adult" games if you want to prove your maturity, I'm gonna have fun with this one :)
I think the Wii launching 2 days after the PS3 is a smart move. People say its dumb but think about it this way. Consumers will be out and about searching for a PS3 which will undoubtedly be sold out. So what do they end up getting? A Wii since its cheaper and more likely to be available and abundant. Yes, hardcore gamers searching for a PS3 might not settle for a Wii instantly and would rather wait for the PS3. But parent's shopping/christmas shopping will more than likely jump on the ball with its lower price point and pack-in game. I WANT A WII GOD DAMNIT!!!
Riadon, you're yelling at people insulting this system and that system and calling them "jackasses". :roll: Um.... isn't that a little contradictory? BTW I won the X-Fire contest too and I talk to Geoff Keighly everyday :lol:
SecretWasianMan's comments