Gamespot Subscription
I've been thinking of subscribing to Gamespot, but is it actually worth it? Unlimited guide PDF's, High defination game trailers and Gamespot chatrooms. The monthly fee isn't exactly pricey 'tho. Any subscribers out there that can give me there views?
More movie adaptations of games?
I recently saw a list (Was on Mrchiledonut's Gamespot user profile) which showed a rather lengthy list of films coming out within the next two to three years, which are based on popular games. Ranging from Devil May Cry to Halo and beyond. I'm all for movies based on games if the movies don't involve Uwe bloody Boll or whatever he's called All the films this guy has touched are simply horried. It's bad enough this guy has got his grubby little hands on the rights to the Far Cry film, which is bad enough. I just hope the likes of Capcom and Microsoft have enough sense to actually get someone with some form credability. Then again Capcom (I think?) turned down George Romero's script and chose Paul Anderson's., Romero could and probably would have made a good solid theme from the script which he wrote.
What do you guys think of this matter? :)
I'm still having second thoughts about the Wii. The only reason it appeals to me is because it has Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles coming out soon. That's probably the only single reason I can think of for buying a Wii. A lot of the games seem to be multiplayer orientated and I don't have a single friend who plays gaming and I currently don't have the connection to go online, which is a pitty because I want to get on LIVE for my 360 badly. I just need to dump my current service provider and buy the hardware and my dad pays the internet bill, so that's not going to happen soon :(
Come to think of it... I only bought my Gamecube for Resident Evil remake shortly before it's release and I turned out to quite enjoy the Gamecube. Just maybe I should gamble on the Wii and maybe the gamble will come did just as the 'cube did.
Halo 3
Halo 3 is almost here. I'm pretty excited and I'm not sure why. I've never completed Halo or Halo 2 and I've never been a huge Halo fan, but I'm still pretty excited for reasons unknown :shock: Anyone else really looking forward to this release?