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Quotes/Phrases Of The Week

Quotes Of the Week

I've heard some really amusing and dodgy stuff so far this week and it's only Tuesday! These below are actual things my family have said within the last seven days or so.

1.) "I can't find my car keys" - "Have you looked properly?"

Erm... no. I've been wandering around the house with a bag over my hand whilst randomly breaking into a river dance.

2.) "If I don't get an invite I'm not gonna bother going"

My friend Neil in regards to Danny's wedding. He's a sharp one.

3.) "Don't turn around, but look who's behind you"

My sister asking me to do the impossible. Another sharp one.

4.) "Funny how your keys are always in the last place you look"

Well jeez. I wouldn't find them, then keep bloody looking!

5.) "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down"

My cousin Kev on informing me on the best way to take my Diabetes tablets.

6.) "You'll never guess what!"

Well since I'll never guess you might aswell go ahead and bloody tell me. But no, they insist I guess. Priceless.

7.) "Do you want me to hit you?"

Priceless from my sister. Just let me think... do I want you to hit me? I think I'll pass. Thanks though.

8.) There's no such word as can't.

Well obviously there is since you just mentioned it in your sentance or did you randomly make it up?