How about government staying the hell out of the video game industry! Try doing a comprehensive study on how Washington and all your political brethren are corrupted fools.
I hope this turns out well for her because my friends and I are always talking about how we wish arcades were still around. It is even better that this woman is trying to do this in my hometown! I'm only 20 minutes from the city.
I like the idea, but I don't look forward to finding great games refurbished with "disk only" for the price of a complete copy on Ebay. It's bad enough vintage game stores now are already overpriced with games that sold millions of copies back when they released. Final Fantasy VII and Super Mario Bros 3 ARE NOT RARE!!
Well, here are some that I've been wanting to play but haven't got around to yet... 1.Panzer Dragoon Saga(SAT)...I'll prob never find this game... 2.Earthbound (SNES)...I hear the Mother games are popular in Japan? 3.Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS)...Many say it's the best 2D Platformer 4.Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)...A different kind of gaming... 5.Grandia (PS)...Better than FFVII?!...I'd rather find out myself!
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