- Seiki_sands’s Activity
Or not...Unless you think saying "America is only for Americans" is the same as saying "America belongs to all Americans (i.e., not merely some Americans)" Minnesota Star Tribune Fact CheckA Somali sp...
@matsusachiki: No problem. I played one of the sequels (Knytt Underground) on the Vita (it's also on PC, PS3, and Wii-U), it had a nice sense of exploration for a 2D platformer.
@matsusachiki: Knytt Stories?
@kalpitvishnoi: Anka
@silentchief said: @girlusocrazy said: @silentchief: Trump canceled everyone who didn't agree with him. At every rally and many tweets he calls out people. Recently he's canceled Liz Cheney and other...
@eoten said:More evidence dropped in Wisconsin today. Not only were election rules created outside the legal realm of the legislature who has the sole authority to change election laws, but they were...
@reznik00: Google exclusive definition, click translations and more definitions. What does the THIRD definition say?For the lazy...3.) Exclusive (adj.) - Catering or available to only a few, select pe...
I used to play with an inverted Y-Axis throughout the 90's, but eventually settled in to what became the default camera. Most first person games I played back then, whether Star Fox, or Tie Fighter, o...
@DEVILinIRON said: @Seiki_sands: "Endlessly optimistic misanthrope"? That's intriguing and confusing at the same time.I never stop looking for the bad in people, and am never not disappointed when I ...
@SUD123456: You're underestimating the insanity of Trump.He believes he won the election, but knows he lost the election, and bilks wherever possible regardless.Any lines in the sand society has drawn...
@techhog89: Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus
I am a son, brother, and uncle.Desirous of following the teachings of Christ.Someone devoid of ambition to whom things come easy, yet never permits, or even entertains, a respite from struggling.An In...
@techhog89 said:@nepu7supastar7 said: @techhog89: I used to wonder how Trump expects to keep playing the charade but now I see that his supporters are gullible enough to keep it running all the way t...
@vl4d_l3nin said: @MK245 said: I think the most interesting thing about this topic more so than anything about Page, is that it was posted in a political forum.It certainly sheds light into the conse...
@Dark_sageX said: @MirkoS77: You think things are better just because Biden won? c) that attitude of yours and a lot of people here is EXACTLY the problem with america, you think Trump is the problem...
Gen 1: Only played Pong from that era, so...PongGen 2: TempestGen 3: Ninja Gaiden II: Dark Sword of ChaosGen 4: Super MetroidGen 5: Age of Empires IIGen 6: Metroid PrimeGen 7: BayonettaGen 8: Red Dead...
@eoten said: @tenaka2 said: @mecha_frieza said: @tenaka2 said: It is mainly when he says stupid stuff or tells his supporters to break the law, so yeah you are right it is pretty much daily.Another t...
@eoten said: @Seiki_sands said: @eoten said: @Seiki_sands said: I certainly did listen to the entire video. And he told people to vote twice, illegally.He told his supporters to vote by mail-in ballo...
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