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Ugg Boots, ipods and Razr Phones

Ok, I don't care who you are, how macho of a guy (or girl? ) you might be, but...

Frickin' uggs are everywhere nowadays. I walked past a line of girls all wearing Uggs, I swear 9 out of 10 of them were wearing them.

Now guys are too!

And also, iPods, although fashionable, really weren't installed in every household until this year as well. It wasn't popular in 2004, 2005 it became popular, but people still didn't rationalize the 300 dollar price, but everyone and their momma has an iPod now.

And Razr phones. I bought my mom one for 300 dollars two years ago, in Pink and it was all the rage, but now everyone has one, actually, two.

The day I see someone wearing Pink Uggs, a Pink iPod and Pink Razr phone I will go nuts and gargle jello while running down the street backwards with my head shaved wearing a barrel. Well no not really, but... you know what I mean?