senior year has been going by hella fast, but I'm pretty ok with that. I've noticed that I haven't blogged in such a long time, and I realize that almost nobody visits this page or reads this blog ever, but it kind of irks me that I haven't written anything in so long. since my last blog:
- I've been accepted to the School of Arts and Sciences as a film major at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
- I wen't to California (wewt) for a weekend. we visited Hollywood, Anaheim, and Long Beach. maybe my next blog will be chock full of pictures from there.
- actually, now that I think about it, my next blog might be promoting my youtube account and the videos I've made since the one below THIS blog.
- I finally picked up GRAW, I'm getting GHII on Tuesday, and I've reserved my Legendary Edition of Halo 3. holla.
- also, I finally got an Edge card from GS, as well as a subscription from Game Informer, although I prefer NP XBM.
- good news on my tax return- $250-ish dollars. whatever I save on top of that, my parents are willing to match (up to $600) and apply to a notebook for college. that's pretty damn exciting.
- graduation is coming up in about two months and I couldn't be more glad.
- I guess I might as well take this chance to plug my videos, so visit:
to those of you who read this, thanks. until next time.