@sleepnsurf there are limits to the current consoles graphics wise but even then games such as MGS4, Heavy Rain, and Crysis 2 have pushed those limits (other games too but can't remember them atm). Also the company has a set deadline for the game to be produced by so they might have rushed or cut corners to get this game into the market which in the end cost them. Halo 4 had great looks and gameplay because they had a massive budget (in the 100's of millions) which this game probably had nowhere near though that's no excuse for a bad game.
@patiotom Yeah they don't realize that without a publisher like EA to fund SimCity there wouldn't be the funding to make the Glass engine or have the staff to create a game on this scale. Yes they don't always make the best decisions but there are good things about EA as well.
If I'm buying a Splinter Cell game it better have challenging stealth situations and Michael Ironside. I'm not paying 60 bucks for a linear Uncharted clone with no challenge to it
SenorKel's comments