So update of Dirge of Cerberus, I've made it passed Caith Sith's part SO DUMB but whatever I made it. I'm actually pretty far and catch on pretty quick to how I'm suppose to do things. But when it comes to shooting down planes I'm sloooooow XD cause it takes me like an hour to realize I was suppose to jump on that machine gun thing and all this time I've been trying to take down steel or whatever planes with MY RIFLE. Pretty funny cause I saw it next to one of the WRO guys I'm suppose to help and I'm like "...can I go on that?" duuuuuh.
I was introduced to a cut scene that made me really think about who the father to Sephiroth is. Some people say it's Vincent, others say it's Hojo and then some think that he was just "made" as an experiment but this clearly states he was someone's child. We'll have to make a spin off game called "Who's Yer Daddy?" staring Sephiroth as the contestant haha! I think it was Vincent because of what Lucrecia eludes to when she speaks to him and he's like "..are you really going to experiment on your child?" and she she is like ">> its not just mine you hobo hunk of man!" (no she doesn't say that haha but I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone :D I'm NICE like that) Vincent looks all sad after the converstation.
I get so mad at the game when I can't beat parts that I leave it for days before attempting to beat it again haha.
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