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Dirge of Cerberus

Ok so with Kingdom Hearts 2 done I've started playing Dirge of Cerberus. Why did I get this game you ask? Because I love Vincent. haha.

I've heard alot of mixed reviews about this game. Some love it and some hate it.

I'm not here to make that any easier. The game has it's good points, Vincent being one, graphics another and so on. What isn't so great is the actual game play. It's suppose to be a shooter/rpg type game I believe? But the shooting is just ridiculous.

First of all aiming is dumb. Maybe it's just me but when I have to press 3 buttons to shoot, I'm not interested. One is to aim of course and the other is to shoot, reload etc. When there is 20 bad guys running at you, you want to shoot and kill, you don't want to have to take the time to line up the enemies with your gun's sniper scope. Also, your directional is hindered if you have the scope still up to aim at the 20 MORE bad guys coming at you.

It's ok, I'll give it that. It's not horrible and it's not great either. I enjoy it for the most part so far. We'll see if that continues.