Oh boy. I had the very awful misfortune of seeing The Fast and Furious; Tokyo Drift. The other day (twice in a row x.x) This movie is G-A-R-B-A-G-E. The one thing that angers me is why is it that they cast other asian nationality as whatever other asian nationality. Like why is there Korean and Chinese people pretending to be Japanese? How idiotic is it that someone from what was it Texas? (I really don't know XD) got in trouble and was sent off to Tokyo where what? his father happens to be? And I'm suppose to be lead to believe that there's this underground club of Japanese people that speak PERFECT F-ING ENGLISH, ALL THE TIME??? COME ON PEOPLE!
The upside to this movie is Sung Kang. He's hot. And that's about all the movie held for me.
Because you can't drift race on public crowded Tokyo streets and get away with it. I'm sorry x.x not to mention that some/most/whatever (*laughs*) cop cars ARE of the drift car persuasion. I'm not saying it doesn't ever happen. I don't live in Tokyo but I HIGHLY doubt that happens all too darn often.
How damn random is Lil'Bow Wow being in the movie too.
*throws hands up in the air* someone kill me.