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Hmm Crud..

I give up attempting to beat Dirge of Cerebus because the game ultimately sucks. I don't know who's idea it was to allow Vincent to only hold 4 potions at a time and only like 2 hi-potions at a time. STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID. Poor Vincent, stuck in such a stupid game.

I gave up on Family Guy too and I think I'll be trading that game in for something else. Maybe a racing game because I'm sick of rping type games and to be honest Family Guy is NOT as fun as umm the show is.

Actually I think I'm going to just get a few fun games for DS and screw the playstation. I want Mario and Pac-man for sure.

I find myself wanting to play Kingdom Hearts 2 over and over even though I beat it already. I playied "Me and My Katamari" for psp and I think it blows beyond anything. It's really not fun, it's the same boards and music essentially as the playstation games so wtf do I need to play it on hand held? also the controls suck balls so yeah.