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Huston We Have A Problem

I think I messed up :cry: I accidentally went into Hallow Basion in Kingdom Hearts before beating Halloween Town. I didn't realize that Riku was going to be a thief and steal my keyblade and leave me with Beast and a friggin wooden sword to fight with. Damn and you can't get on the gummi ship without Donald and Goofy. (Figures they'd ditch me in my hour of need, why should the end of the game be any different than the rest of the game? :x)

Anyway now I HAVE to beat Riku and pray they let me go back to Halloween Town (I read somewhere that you can go back) but um Riku is hard to beat. Do I get my almighty keyblade back when I beat his ass?

I wonder if I have to fight Maleficent before I get Donald and Goofy back :o

Ugh why do I have a feeling this is going to leave me feeling VERY angry and VERY annoyied lol.