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I'm A little Pathetic

I decided to play more Kingdom Hearts and suffice to say, I did it without biting myself.

Beat Maleficent (phase one) with little problems. Not very hard. Beat up her platform until she comes down and then beat her like a red-headed step child. Donald and Goofy handle the heartless so it isn't a big deal and if you cast Tinkerbell you don't even have to worry about silly Maleficent hitting you.

So you beat her, you're feeling pretty good cause you just beat one of the top bosses hm? wrong. You still have a few more to go kiddo.

Infact....much to my dismay you have to face silly Maleficent AGAIN but heh your bestfriend, the bad word I can't say here on Gamespot, appears to ruin stuff for you again. Maleficent turns into a dragon and you're left with that reoccuring "oh great" feeling.

I cast Tinkerbell and I'd like to thank her for TRYING to help me. After my HP got low enough where I NEED her, yeeah she jets like her sparklie panties are on fire. Leaving me going "wtf?" over and over and then eventually I die.

I died twice trying to figure out what was going on. I put on my wrist brace and decided I wasn't going to give up. I switched Goofy for Beast and I armed my team with high potions and myself with Mega-Ethers and Megalixirs and Ethers. I used Tinkerbell till she abandonded me and opted to to stay the HECK away from Maleficent the best I could. Once Tink was gone I ran over and jumped up on a ledge. I summonded Genie and started blasting her using "show time". When he was used up I started calling upon my magic, hitting her with fira and gravita or whatever the heck it's called lol Beast and Donald also did a good job hitting her from the ground. After 4 tries, I beat her.

I moved along to where I was suppose to go after saving and encountered Riku (god I'm starting to hate him) a little scene that made my eyes tear up (shut up, I AM a girl) and then Donald is blasted away from me (I noticed Goofy had fallen down earlier and wasn't near me when we were talking to Riku) Turns out Riku isn't Riku and I had already guessed he was Ansem (so dumb lol) but now I'm like "wait..Donald isn't here and neither is Goofy..." and then that feeling came back. I knew instantly this was going to be a one on one battle.

I was in NO mood.

The battle is long because he charges at you ALOT. So I just jumped and glided and didn't give a rats butt that he was trying to hit me. I used magic to hit him a good percent of the time and when I could get close enough, hit him with the keyblade (you can only like hit him a few times before he starts charging again) so most of the time you are just jumping to avoid him. Pretend you're Peter Pan lmao. Take.Your.Time! I can't stress that enough. Also, do NOT let your energy go passed that three bar thing. It's good to have ALOT of megaether and megalixir and anything that can boost your energy and magic high.

I was killed because the stupid unfair son of a b. attacked me in mid "cura" damn him. My wrist was hurting too much to try again so maybe tomorrow...

.... >>; maybe.