So you are all probably wondering what that last entry was about. I suppose you all thought I had a momentary lapse of sanity and just started screaming Tron over and over like a band dream. Well no. I'm hoping this entry will shed some light on a rather dark area (haha get it? kingdom hearts? darkness duurrrr)
Ok so the other day I got Kingdom Hearts 2 as well as some other games as an x-mas present from my mom.This was on the 16th it is now the 22nd and I've already beaten Kingdom Hearts 2. (I'm totally fed up with Family Guy lol)
Anyway So I'll do my little cat walk and review KH2. Here it goes.
Ok you all know by now I'm not going deep into storylines or whatever. GAME PLAY PEOPLE! lol
Anyway lets start at the begining was I the only one that thought that was all a waste of time? run around a board for like an hour for no reason? and there was SO much scenes like no fighting. And in the first like...half hour you basically know the whole plot lol. Axel appears, Riku appears briefly dressed in his black coat and blindfold and thus starts the story off. I'd like to say that I figured out who the guy in red was within seconds cause I'm swift like that.
I'd also like to take this time to say what this game does to Seifer is a DAMN shame.
Also, was I the only one saddened that you had to give up Roxas for Sora? lol atleast they fixed the jumping and the camera issues from the first one.
So the "worlds" or boards whatever you care to call them. I must say that I liked them better than the first game. Well, what I mean by "like them" is that I liked the fact that you could back to them and do different quests. In the first game if you beat the board and went back to it there was nothing to do; This time around you could go back to boards and do different things but that's where the fun ends. First of all what's with following the storyline of the movies? I didn't mind that like in the first game say like the Halloween Town, they followed the storyline of Jack wanting to do something different for Halloween Town's celebration but this game it's strictly the storyline of the movie with Sora and crew inserts. Almost like they didn't want to pay the people to do voices and just used the clips from the movies.
Second, what the heck did they do to Atlantica? (that's the little mermaid stage) while a part of me thought it was cute to kind of relax from "fighting" for awhile and part take in the musical wonders that is, life under the sea, that's not a board...that's a crackheaded mini game type thing. You beat Ursula based on your scores on a song she sings (you have to press the buttons at the right time while she sings blah blah blah) it's also confusing at first on how you're actually suppose to accomplish beating these things. Even WITH the instructions.
But I digress. Those aside I sorta enjoyied the game, I think in alot of ways it was better than the first game but it takes awhile to get that way lol. I was starting to think it would be worse than the first because...after Mulan's board I lost all hope it was going to be any good. Once you beat the worlds and you start fighting Organization 13 that's when it gets fun and interesting. I really found fighting them to be the best parts.
The final battles were lacking and the plot was predictable and also lacking. Kairi's fighting and recieving her own keyblade sets up what may happen if there ever is a number 3.
Though I must admitt I felt great relief that we finally found Riku haha.
...and if I had to hear someone say "Donald Sora Goofy" one more time. Why was it nessesary to say their names over and over and over? this is not Inuyasha!
...yanno...this review was so much more before I became so tired all the words are blurring..Perhaps I'll try again tomorrow lol.
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