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Kingdom Hearts Annoyiance

Ok so, I took some time out to play Kingdom Hearts (I can't stick to one game at a time, ask the unfinished FFX-2 that's sitting on my shelf lol) anyway I have several qualms with this game but I'll keep this short cause I don't feel good.

First: Why can Sora not jump? It wastes so much F-ing time just JUMPING on something than any fight you'd go into. I hate it, I think it's overly retarded and causes me to get SO angry. For Phil's "tests" in stupid Hercules board you have a certain amount of time to break all these barrels, the second test has a barrel up on a ledge..nice..SINCE SORA CAN'T JUMP! it takes him ALL the remaining time to jump on the barrel and up to the ledge, causing you to do the tests over and over and over again and causing people like me to bite themselves or punch walls in anger. Then you go into Monstro level and get "Super Jump" or whatever the hell it is, greeeeeat now he jumps MORE like a tard only...much higher. Though I will admitt, it helps when you go back to boards you couldn't jump in before and get the chests in there but after wasting hours on boards why would you possibly want to go back. (The only one I'd want to go back to is Hercules board cause you have to do the tortaments) So if you don't like wasting time jumping or you have an anger managment problem like oh let's say me and my brother, this isn't the game for you.

Second: Donald and Goofy f-ing sh-t up for you. They are ALWAYS messing stuff up. If you need to keep a barrel on a ledge Donald and Goofy will be sure to knock it off said ledge. Donald has like NO HP so make sure you friggin equipt him with lots of potions or better yet high potions so you don't have to waste time cureing him during a battle. Sure they prove useful in battling bosses but to be honest you really do all the work.

Third: Random FF character appearances. Even though I have yet to play any other FF game except FFX-2. I adore Final Fantasy. I use to play back in the days when I lived closer to my brother Chris but once there were too many to keep up with (and Chris stopped letting me play his games lmao) I stopped playing. I'm a big fan of the Advent Children movie. I thought for some reason this would be cute. Ok so random appearances aren't so bad but what sense do they make? why are they there? Fine the worlds were destroyied but what possesed Disney to put FF characters in it? OR was it FF that came up with the game and decided to put a majority of Disney characters in it? whatever and whoever made it, the apparence of the FF characters seems rather stupid lmao. Were they hoping more people would buy if they shoved Cloud in there? (let's not mention that cloud and squall look retarded and aren't much of fighters lol) Just seems really out of place.

Fourth: RUNNING AROUND OVER AND OVER (I don't think I need to say anything more on this lmao) I'm not a rat looking for a piece of cheese, I don't like mazes.

Fifth: Saddness. Watching Kingdom Hearts play out is a little like watching a drama, Sora wants to help Kairi (who i believe he loves a tad more than a friend xD) and wants to desperately save her and his friend Riku except Riku is working for the darkside and even though Riku is on evil's side, Sora still cares and worries about him (you can see this in Monstro's level after you beat it and Goofy and Donald are talking about if Gheppeto and Pinccohio are ok and Sora simply says "Riku..") atleast to me (someone that still has a heart lmao) it's sad to see. Everytime they have a flashback to Sora and Riku being friends I'm always like "well f-k, that's a downer" I hope we can save Riku from his own blackness before I have to lay the smack down on him XDDD

Sixith: OH GOD THE FRIGGIN CAMERA ANGLE! I hate the camera zoom and angle for this game, it drives me bonkers (and no not that cartoon cat thing that exsisted on Disney for awhile) I hate that in order to jump foward correctly you have to turn the camera and GOD FORBID you are against a wall, no camera turning for you. It's horrible and one of the MAIN things keeping me from enjoying the game. Who the hell wants to GUESS if there's a ledge you have to jump on? I WANT TO SEE IT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! ugh.

......forgot to mention to have extreme amounts of patience and hi or mega potions when you fight Cerbus and that stupid F-ing cave of wonders x.x you'll need them.

I'm not very far in the game so those are my only qualms really.

Next review-ish is Katamari Damacy NUMBA TWO VAVY! Look for it, and love it XD