I know this isn't video game related but since I haven't been playing any lately so deal with THIS. Anyway lol I've been watching Metalocalypse and liking it. I have no idea what it's about the episodes I've seen lately but I find them quite enjoyable.
The ones I like the best is "Fan Day" and the most recent one where they "adopt" the fat kid. ("Fat Kid at the Detharmonic") And Skwisgaar names him "Fatty Ding Dong." I nearly died laughing.
I also had a dream I was Nathan Explosion or knew him or something. I woke up with a feeling of "w....t...f?" haha I hadn't even watched the show at that point. Nice one.
I think I like Toki the best though, something about him haha.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56r51qVcAh0 Fat Kid at the Detharmonic Part One
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY4aU5E8rXQ Fat Kid at the Detharmonic Part Two
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