I'm heading off to gamestop in about an hour. I don't know what I'm getting yet but I know FF12 is getting traded back and maybe Trauma Center. I hate trading my DS games because I have so little but I hardly play that retarded game and even CHRIS sold it back so that has to be saying something.
When Magenta was here the other day she had her PSP and I got to play Crisis Core. *____________* although it's hard for me to work because it was the first time I picked it up lol I was hooked. I really like it and WE really like making fun of Gackt and his clones xDD Sephiroth should just stab them all.
I was looking through this site where I buy most of my anime stuff from and realized I now have enough to buy one of the figures I'd been eyeing (Axel, Reno, Kadaj, Sephiroth XD) But found I couldn't choose between Axel or Reno and the more I looked at the Kadaj figure the more I didn't want him. So I guess I'll wait on that, maybe buy some more games instead lol
Well, I'm off.