So. Finally saw Silent Hill. I must say all annoyiances aside it was a GREAT movie. (Of course that's my own opinion) Rose was annoying and I was hoping and praying Pyramid Head or one of the nurses would just slam her violently against the wall or something lmao. I know I sound a bit "Pyramid Head Obsessed" but he WAS the best part of the movie lmao. And he scared the crap out of me.
Also, as I was telling my brother, I finally watched Battle Royale 2. Eh is all I can really say about it. The plot was well...stupid and there really are some parts that make you wish the movie would end already. I was liking the updated uniforms lol Overly gorey and bloody. Didn't really appeal to me.
I also saw Hosel. Nothing overly great about the movie plot but sick, twisted, suspencful and to be honest made me never want to leave the country lmao. It was a good movie, one I could stand to watch again if I wanted lol and If I wanted to scare other people into never traveling aboard :D
The game playing has taken a backseat. I can only play so much of Siren before I get bored. I started playing FFX-2 again..I wish my brothers hadn't taken Katamari back :?
Maybe I'll buy Silent Hill 2 and both Katamaris when I go to VA after my sister's wedding. That'll be fun. lol.