I decided to pop in The Bouncer this morning and I must say I do enjoy it. It's fun to see how far games have come since that one came out.
That said, I also like the fact that if you pick different people different things happen and different scenes play out differently. I personally enjoy playing Kou (and having said that lmao if Kou was a real life person without tattooed eyebrows I'd flirt with him lol) Volt is my second choice and the one I pick mainly when I know his power is needed. Sadly I almost NEVER pick Sion as someone to play because he is weak. (That and I really hate his voice) I like that indeed you CAN pick different people for different battles.
What I DON'T like about the Bouncer is that they start you off with like NO health which sucks because you kinda need it when you're faced with 4-5 enemies at a time.
I don't like that the storyline seems to move SO fast. I'm use to like Silent Hill and Kingdom Hearts and FF by now, games where you run around like a fool for hours on end before defeating a big boss and then it goes to a cut scene (or movie lol) and something is revealed about the storyline. This after every like battle you're into a movie lol.
I also don't like Sion's voice lmao and his clothes annoy me. That's trival but I have no desire to play him. Two hits and you're dead, no thanks.
Also I don't know if it was because the fan was on but I couldn't hear ANYTHING. Well Except for Mugetsu's crazy one liners (god that man creeps me out) but maybe that's cause I shouldn't be playing at 5-6am when my mom is sleeping so I have to keep it down a bit lol.
Besides all that why is it that none of the people can PUNCH? when My brothers were in karate it wasn't all kicking so why can master martial arts man, Kou NOT PUNCH! The only one that really punches, is Sion and I'll be damned if I waste my time playing him lmao. (Especially since I raised Kou and Volts power, defense and life so much lol) But that really doesn't matter considering how easy it is to fight lol.
That's really all that bothers me and it really doesn't bother me all that much. I find the game enjoyable and a breathe of freshair from the aggrvating games I am playing currently lmao.
Speaking of other games I'm playing I decided to ditch Halloween Town on KH and go for Atlantica (the little mermaid) must say, one of the more enjoyable boards. I found myself singing Under The Sea so many times I was starting to think I would TURN INTO a mermaid lmao. But the last time beating Ursula is proving to be a pain in the ass since my "crew" doesn't like healing me in time so I don't die lmao. And I must say that for a half fish Ariel kicked some bad guy ass, she did a decent job at healing me as well so it's all good in the ocean.
Random Thought: But the guy that does Kou's voice is the same guy that does Vincent's voice in Advent Children.
And speaking of Vincent! I can NOT wait to play Dirge of Cerberus as you all know that's the new "Final Fantasy" game starring Vincent and his story. It's a shooter game so I can't wait to get my hands on it (which won't be for awhile cause I'm not paying 50+ dollars for it lmao) I HATE that Gackt appears in the game. I want to shoot him lmao WHY GOD WHY? That would be like Hyde randomly appearing in a game. I don't understand, he has "his own" game lmao. Oh maybe cause no one wants to PLAY THAT ONE ANYMORE! Silly Gackt.
In NON-gaming news. I currently can't get over listening to the soundtrack for the nightmare before xmas IN JAPANESE! Awesomeness.
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