Since Sony is deciding, not accidentally, to be so friggin' emo about the ps3, i decided to spend much of my day researching and get more upto-date/aquainted with Nintendo's Wii. Yes, i feel that Ken is so full of bulls% about the ps3 and needs to realize that arrogance will cost him his job and Sony will pay dearly for his mistakes. Sure back when ps3 was announced i thought "i must have this device...", now i see it as "why would i invest $600 into a machine that is going to flop. hard?". The ps3 will, (im not doggin the ps3 cause i want to here...), unfortuanely flop, i think, due to the massive delays. These delays in "putting-out" have hindered my ability to take SCEA seriously this go-around. Other troubling factors:
1.) The freaking price!! $600 is wayy to expensive and too restrictive to only include a small percentage of gamers.
2.)3rd-Party support will dwindle. It will dwindle due to the console's $600 pricetag because the console won't sell very well. Bottomline: Strong at 1st, then dies down the road.
3.)the $500 Edition is pointless vs. the $600 Ed. If you are looking to get the most out of your brand-new console, you are going to skip the $500 Ed. for the $600 one. Why? because their is no distinctively cheaper Edition!
4.)Blu-ray is losing already. Blu-ray is already behind to HD-DVD and likely will not do so well due to the terrible $600 price of the ps3.
5.)Manufacturing problems. Why the hell is sony having this problem?
6.)Console Quality. If im going to drop $600 for a ps3, i am going to expect that this console's quality is going to transcend sony's previous entries who were notorious for breaking at the slightest angry stare. *Psst! Look at Nintendo systems, Sony!!*
In my day, i started out as a major Nintendo fan. I still am a bigtime fan - I can't get enough of the Super Nintendo. In my mind the SNES is the greatest system ever produced. Why?
*System had many amazing high-quality games
*Controllers were comfy (comfy as i remember... maybe not so now...)
*The games are classics!!!
*System was priced well and wayy worth it
*Games have aged well as i see 70%+ of all modern game productions fail to be as fun or just a great time as SNES ones.
*4 - not 2 controllers!!!!! (eat it sony)
*all around fun
The way that this is relevant is that I really want to see Nintendo put out a system again that re-captures this spirit. I want to see Nintendo put the fun back into the equation.
So, my question is this: Is the Wii worth getting?? Seriously now. Please No fanboy-ish statements or rah! rah! rah, Wii! What do you see in the Wii that makes it worthwhile? What are your top 5 wanted games right now for the Wii?
Please, anyone or everyone, help me out!!! I would REALLY appreciate it!!
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