Being little over 2 weeks away from Wii's launch, I am currently exploring my options and am/will be playing the "waiting game" for a bit. I am stuck at the decision for the next/current gen's. Which road do i choose?
*Playstation 3: Yes, this would be my logical favorite. But, i think it is wayy to pricey and wont put up a good fight in the end. I expect it to tank within a year or 2.
-Games i am looking forward to: Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassin's Creed.
*Wii: This is going to be my pick in the next coming months if nothing changes from xbox360 or ps3. I love the innovative controller features and i like how they are maybe attempting to return the "fun" to video games.
-Games i am looking forward to: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Call of Duty 3, WSOP: ToC, Wii Sports.
*Xbox360: Seeing that my university offers the $500 360 w/ harddrive & Live for $100 cheaper than retail (U. Price: $400), this is peaking my interest in it a bit more. I really don't know if plopping $400/$500 down for an already year old machine is worth it to me... (remembers Sega Dreamcast.....). I also dont have the time or money to invest in Xbox Live.
-Games i want to know more about: Enchanted Arms, F.E.A.R, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Halo 3, Call of Duty 3, Guitar Hero 2, Elder Scrolls 4, Halo Wars, Fable 2, Assassins Creed, Ninety-Nine Nights. ***I hope there is a new KOTOR coming out too, i love that series.
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