The last 3-4 days have been an all-out assault by rain and thunderstorms. We had a tornado warning a month ago for something stupid. These last few days the area has had a combined total of 10 tornado warnings. Dammit issue one! I want some excitement!
A Slightly Mature topic for those who wish to know....
Anywayz... does anyone's school do peprallys? Actually, lemme tell you this first. Our school was on tv on tuesday. Why or How you ask? Oprah and Clay Aiken came to our high school and filmed some seniors for her show (a week and a half ago). They were on tv tuesday. So anywayz, our school has the tradition of doing some fun stuff for the last pep rally of the year. We do the Switch Rally. That means some guys and girls switch their clothes and can strip down and dance in it. Damn all the dudes stuffed their shirts and wore dresses. The ladies wore guy clothes. So freakin funny! Damn my friend wore a shiny blue dress and it was too small for him. He danced around and lifted the skirt at the crowd so we could all see his ass. Nasty as hell but funnier than crap! All the other guys were being horny the girls. The senior vice-pres. ripped his top off and was wearing nipple clips and started spinning the things around. The whole crowd was laughing so hard. I was laughing so hard i almost fell over. Switch Rallys are the best.
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