I look around and am once again bothered by all that I see. The gaming industry is dying...not finacialy, that can't happen now, but go to the system wars boards, 360 fanboys are crazy because Gears of War looks better then any PS3 launch game, and the PS3 fanboys are all angry that Resistence didn't get above a nine...there are certian truths that gamers must realise. Its NOT the hardware, its the software that sells consoles, thats number one. I bought Gears of War, I've played and beaten Gears of War, I can say, without any doubt in my mind, that it is the highest quality title on the 360, and has been polished to near perfection. You can always tell wich games will be good or not. It comes down to polish and qaulity. Gears is an INCREDIBLE title, of Zelda and Halo quality. As gamers, we should be rejoicing that a title of such amazing quality has been released, ofcourse you arn't but that because your simply a poser. Tomarrow I'll be picking up my PS3, and playing Resistence. I have no doubt that it will be a good game, a great game. But it dose NOT seem aspolished as Gears. I am not a fanboy, I have stated that before and people have argued, and lost. They said my first post was anti Sony, yeah...it was Anti everything and if you could single one company out and say that IT wa my focus, then your a fanboy and that post was for you
I don't know whats happening...is this the result of games like GTA, games that exist and get sold simply because of their extream content...what started all this nonsense...I dont understand...I need sleep...
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