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Rackin' 'em Up

Got two more emblems today for uploading my fourth speed run video. I guess most of them arent speed runs in the traditional sense, but i just wanted the emblems heh. I couldn't really think of what i could complete fast, but having just played street fighter II and Mortal Kombat, I knew I could definitely LOSE fast in those games, so i put up videos of those. for four speed runs, you get the speed run and the commercial emblems.

I feel kinda bad about the comercial emblem which was clearly an old glitch that was intended to be granted to people that uploaded 4 commercials, but oh well. I STILL haven't gotten my collector or tagger emblems!!!! I suppose i probably will if i keep sending messages to tech support or something. I'm waiting for a response to my email question I sent. And I plan to be getting any emblems available this saturday during Gamespot After Hours which I will be watching like a hawk.


Oh, and btw, yeah, I'm making blog posts that all have something like "[word]'n it up" on purpose.