Hey it's November 7th 2006 and you know what that means! Ya! It's EMERGENCE DAY!! Or to all us way cooler people, It's Guitar Hero II day.
Okay, let's break it down.
I bought Okami Sunday night because I had $150 burning a hole in my pocket and I needed to get rid of some. I had heard nothing but good things so I decided to pick it up. It was a very descision because Okami is a great game. The visual style is beyond fantastic. If you don't know, basically the screen looks like a peice of paper and all the objects look like a Japanese painting. and the brushing feature is pretty innovative. The game could almost ride on those two things alone. I'm loving it so far but I have to get farther in the game to have anything really meaningful to say.
I was the first in my Local Gamestop today and I got my copy of Guitar Hero II with a brand new Red mini SG. yay! I so I couldn't wait at all. I showed up like almost twenty minutes before the store opened and sat in my car playing Lumines.
Once I had it, I drove off to a friend's house and rocked out on a 50" widescreen like all day. By the end I could barely lift my arm. No joke. Okay, well I could lift it, but it was really sore.
I made sure to play Co-op mode first. Me and my friend tore it up in tandem. Co-op is amazingly fun. Far far beyond the 2p mode in the orignal. Even face-off mode is better, simply for the fact that you can choose seperate difficulties. As a Guitar Hero verteran who can beat Expert, you can imagine I found few friends to challenge me with the old formula. My only complaint is that you can only play unlocked songs in co-op so my friend would have to wit there and watch me play five songs before we got something new to play in co-op.
The new guitar is also great. Almost everything about it is better, including the feel of the plastic. My only complaint is that they made the Select button easier to press, which made me accidentally trigger star power with my palm TONS of times in today alone.
All-in-all totally great!! I'm still wokrin on the songs. Psychobilly Freakout is driving me INSANE!!! thank god for practice mode. Not only for practice, but just for the fact that I can now do any solo whenever I want. : )
I got Diablo II years ago. I love it and I've beaten it multiple times but never got the expansion. Well now I have. I bought Diablo II: Lord of Destruction about a week ago and havent really gotten into it that much but I will eventually because Diablo II never gets old. I wish my characters weren't expired so I wouldnt have to go through the entire game again, but it's all good. : )
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out came in the mail!! W00t!! That game is just so much fun. I managed to get up the third championship without getting knocked out on my frist try on my NES console. But I think I might be getting burnt out on it. I played it a ton already.
That's all for now. I want to make a new video blgo to talk about Guitar Hero II, but I just feel so lazy. Like . . . I wanna do it . . . but I don't wanna do it . . . Ya know?
EDIT: Oh ya! and I got this new Emblem!
FINALLY. My life is complete lol.
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