by Sephiroth99000 on Comments
Yep. I got one. Fourteen hours outside the Target in Woburn, but I got one. Actually, I say it like it was horrible or something, but
actually it was pretty fun. I ended up next to a bunch of people that all worked at my local Gamecrazy so I sort of recognized some of them. We threw down on some madz 6/7 player Mario Kart and Tetris and Bomberman and stuff. Pretty cool. I'd definitely do it again.
Here are some pics I took:
I went there as soon as possible because I had heard there was already 15-20 people there. I was Twelth.
The line when I got there. (4:30 PM EST)
Mine is the red chair.
The line about an hour or two later
There was many much a DS being played
WTF?!? People still play these things?!
These guys were the first ones in line and organized our whole list. Without them, there might'a been some drama. Big ups.
Only not that big because they were SCALPING A PS3! And probably doing the same with at least one of their Wiis. Lame, guys . . .
heh heh ...
A few hours later . . . (also getting dark . . . )
Night sets in at the Target . . .
. . . As does fatigue . . .
. . . Or not . . .
This fool jacked an unactivated Wii gift card . . .
Did I mention it was F**KING FREEZING!?!
And still there was much longer to wait through the wee . . . *ahem* excuse me, wii hours of the night . . . .
Day breaks and we line up by number to recieve our tickets . . . .
And promptly get back in a second, differently located line . . .
My Golden Ticket . . . and look at that beautiful twelve . . . twelve out of one hundred and twenty : )
They let people in 5 at a time. Right now we're on deck, waiting patiently.
Inside, they had 120 Wiis, and 120 of every game and accessory. It's so beautiful . . .
It's mine!!
As I exit, I see what is left of the night before, even AFTER people pick up
I got a Wii system (DUH), Zelda (What else?), an extra remote and nunchuck for multiplayer, a classic controller, and I already had Monkey Ball. I still need to get some Wii points, but I have $20 in credit to EB/GS, so once they get some in stock I'm all set.
The first thing I did with my Wii was take my SD card out of my camera and used the Photo Channel to look at all the pictures I had taken over the long hours.
And when I signed back on to Gamespot, I found this new emblem waiting for me!
In case you're keeping score, I think it took me longer to make this blog entry than it did to get a Wii . . . I was a young boy with hopes and dreams at the start of this thing . . . .
I hope to get a new video blog up soon to talk about the Wii. Maybe. I don't know.