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Sephiroth_The_7 Blog

My Crew

                     Sam (Necro)                               Me (Hojo III)

 Well heres my Crew! There are more but i dont have a pic of them.

Sams character is someone he drew himself. His a good artist. To view his other work visit

I call myself Hojo III, i like the name Hojo and i added the third cos it has a ring to it.

Housam (who isnt on here) has a striking resemblance to George Coleman...its uncanny. his a GS member visit his GS profile:

Richard (who isnt on here) likes all the anime and tactical RPGs... he is really weird!

Idea for a new game! Super Mario collection!

When the Sonic Mega Collection was released, i was really happy with it as i loved the old sonic games.

I dont know whether this has been made or whether it is being created, But i think they should make a Super Mario collection. Im sure so many people loved playing the old 2D Mario games.. i no i did.

To be honest if Nintendo did make this game i think it would sell very well!!! There were so many mario games id like to play  again, but i'd like to play them all on one console and on 1 disc!

On the collection i would add these games:

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario 2
  • Super Mario 3
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Mario bros. Lost Levels
  • Super Mario Land
  • Dr. Mario
  • Super Mario Kart (as in the one for SNES)
  • Super Mario World 2
  • Super Mario 64

Also there should be extras to be unlocked, like unlocking artwork, hints and extra games. Although one of the Extra games has to be the very old and very fun..... DONKEY KONG (arcade)

These were all excellent games. Who hasn't played any one of these games in their life.

Tell me what you think of this idea.

Playstation 3

Is the PS3 good??? anyone???

I really want a PS3 but because of lack of income i dont have the money to buy one... and all of the accessories. From the sounds of it, the consoles seems to be selling well.

Me and some of my friends decided to wait and see if at all the PS3 goes down in price (sounds harsh to think it would but it is a lot of money when you could still have fun playing PS2).

All the good games are comin out on it such as Final Fantasy XIII, which is the reason i want one now anyway...... oh well. hopefully i can rob a rich man soon.... like dustin hoffman, his rich, dont grass me up people!!!

Grandia 3

I am a big fan of the Grandia series i have grandia 1, 2 and was looking forward to 3, but i found that Grandia 3 isnt being released in the UK.

I want to know why! Is it because it doesnt sell well in the fine country of America (i dont want to get hurt), if that is the case then what makes them think it wont sell well in the UK.

My friend and fellow Gamespot member, Azazel_666 said there is a site called Ghostlight that deals with game distribution, and if tey get enough people message them about Grandia then they will release some copies in the UK.

So all Gamespot members sign onto and ask for grandia 3 for the UK. is it illegal to put this, will i get done for it??? msg me if u scared!!

People On MSN


MSN purpose really is to talk to your friends as long as you want to online.

I have this one friend who is usually always online. BUT most of the time he never replies. whenever i message him, he always says "Im busy" or "Is it important". This really F****ing annoys me. i say to him whats the point of signing on to MSN if you're busy, then i tell him MSN is a site where you TALK to your mates. Even after telling him this he still does it anyway......FOOL!!!

Even on days where he aint busy and actually decides to talk to you, he acts like an idiot, you ask him a question and he replies with: Duck, Chicken, Fish......on second thought why do i try to talk to him anyway... i dont know.... i will have revenge anyway!!!