Septim007 / Member

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Why no good western games?

Is it just me or does anyone else think that there needs to be a really good western game. There's a ton of great things to be had in the old west. Hunting outlaws, being hunted as an outlaw, drinkin' whiskey in saloons, bar fights, horseback riding, shootouts in towns, tuberculosis, train robbing, or defending trains against train robbers. I've played Red Dead Revolver on the PS2 when I was younger and thought it was a pretty damn good game, Call of Juarez got decent reviews, but it never really stood out to me (I might download the demo). Gun quite frankly seemed kind of mediocre to me, not to mention it's ugly visuals (seriously, I think BLACK on PS2/XBOX had better graphics). There's been some good western games, yes, but I want to see something stellar and outstanding. I think it might be cool if they did a blend of first and third person action with some role playing elements, all set in an open world old west setting. It would have first person shooting with maybe a third person view for a cover system and other stuff like horseback riding. The role playing elements would come into play with something similar to a karma system, because in an open world freeform game there would be choices regarding morality. Are you a Bible following, law enforcing punisher of criminal scum, or a filthy, lawless, no good, murderous bank robber? I'd be the good guy as usual, but that's just me. Anyway, that's just some ideas that I think would be cool to put in a game. They'll probably never do it, but then again, I'm planning to be a game developer one day.