Movie remakes suck. I haven't been to the theater nearly as often the last 3 years because it's nearly all been mediocre remakes. Video game remakes, however, are a lot of fun because they are able to deliver on the nostalgia, as well as completely update classics, bringing them up to date graphically. Now not all game remakes have been gems, however, as Conker Live and Reloaded was heavily censored, and trimmed by way of content, and featured a clunky un-intuitive new combat engine that made the game feel less special than it's original. The Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid remakes on the GameCube, however, really showed off just how great remakes can be and so I present to you ten games that are in dire need of being remade for the next generation systems, and which system(s) they should go on.
10. Super Mario Bros. The beautiful thing about this is that there already is a remake of this, it’s just not easy to find, and when you do find it it's used, and pricey. Originally introduced as a part of the Mario All Stars compilation on the SNES the original Super Mario Bros. featured heavily updated graphics and sound bringing the 8 but classic up to date with the 16-bit generation. When these Mario All Stars remakes started making their way to the Game Boy Advance I was really disappointed that all we got by way of the original was a port of the 8 bit original. Come on Nintendo, it's time to overhaul the graphics on this one (again)! The original is an eye sore by today's standards!
Ideal platform: Game Boy Advance (GBA)
9: The Legend of Zelda: Its amazing how well this game has aged, but despite the fact that it remains fun playing Metroid Zero Mission made me wonder how much more detail could be added to the NES classic original Zelda. Updating the graphics, fixing the slow down, as well as the flickering, and perhaps adding new story elements to flesh out the classic tale and boom, you have an epic title (again) ready to milk the money of the masses.
Ideal Platform: GBA
8: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest: They did a remake of the original in Castlevania Chronicles, 2 actually if you count the remixed edition that came bundled with it... At any rate we also got a port of the classic NES version on GBA, and yet the best of the original Castlevania trilogy seems to be fading from the memory of gamers, which is sad because it's awesome. Give the game a 2.5D look, fully orchestrated the music, give the game fast animation, and Simon should get a multi-directional whip, new bosses could be added to the mix, and additional side quests and you have a hot seller ready to go. Because of the fully orchestrated music the GBA and DS would not be ideal for this remake but:
Ideal platform: PSP (Playstation Portable)
7: Castlevania III Dracula's Curse. Following on the inevitable PSP success of the Simon's Quest remake, and especially considering the plot of Curse of Darkness (PS2/Xbox) the classic that introduced us to Trevor Belmont, and Alucard would be excellent material for a remake. Again a 2.5D look would be fun, as well as a multi directional whip. Alucard would be modified to match his Symphony of the Night counterpart making him far less a pain to use. There could be new intersections added to the castle so that the levels overlap each other making it possible to get Grant, Sypha, and Alucard. The engine would allow players to switch between all four characters now instead of sacrificing one for another. Music, of course, would be updated to be fully orchestrated.
Ideal platform: PSP
6: Metroid 2 the return of Samus: Only one Metroid in my book sucked. This was it. The reason being that the lack of detail in the scenery made it hard to navigate without a map, and traveling the Metroid home world with the plasma beam only to suddenly realize you need the freeze beam and having to traverse the plane, and overly simple scenery to try and find it made this game near unplayable by today's standards. Metroid 2 should get the same treatment that the original did with Metroid Zero Mission. The game's details would be significantly enhanced, making it easier to tell where you are, and a map system could be added. Additionally the Nintendo DS 2nd screen could be incorporated to make it easier to access the map. The music could also be significantly improved over the original. Metroid 2 had some cool gadgets for Samus to use, it's just a shame the rest of the game sucked so bad, especially since the story is critical to the overall plot of Metroid. The only reason I know what happened at the end is because of the intro for Super Metroid.
Ideal Platform: Nintendo DS
5: Final Fantasy VIII: This game took a lot of flack it didn't deserve. A lot of people hated Squall, and yet Squall has been the least annoying, most human, of all of the leads for recent Final Fantasies. The story was amazing, deep, and even tragic, filled with many-a tear jerking moments. In its day it was a graphical marvel, now a days, not so much. The game play could be updated so that it's not so guardian force reliant. Everything depended on the GF you had equipped, and I felt that characters were pathetically weak on their own. Character stats would remain with the character rather than being accessed through the GF, and it would be easier to find the ultimate weapon, and the characters should be able to eventually hit 9,999 damage. Those of us who could not access chocobo world would now be able to via connectivity to the PSP. The music would become fully orchestrated and the graphics significantly improved for added realism. Some of the more convoluted story elements could be fleshed out more and, the game made more cinematic with full voice acting
Ideal Platform: PS3 (Playstation 3)
4: Metal Gear: Forget the Solid line. Solid is kinda Metal Gear 3. A lot of backstory had to be given throughout the course of the first Metal Gear so that people could follow the new story line. Yet that hasn't answered all questions we have! The remake of Metal Gear should be a fully realized 3D epic based on the plot of the NES original. It would follow the story, but new cinematics would flesh out the story even more, and let people experience Snake's original adventure for the first time whether or not we'd played the original. New music, graphics, and game play mechanics etc would make for an entirely new experience, plus get the story to those who don't have the patience to struggle through the archaic original NES game. Sneaking just doesn't work on the NES.
Ideal Platform: PS3
3: Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain: If ever there was a game that made an excellent argument in favor of video games being an art form it was the original Legacy of Kain on the PS1. Silicon Knights has an opportunity to reintroduce the series their way, since Crystal Dynamics and Eidos had purchased a license to continue the series. The game's story would remain entirely intact, but the game would be modified to become fully 3D, and incorporate a complex combat system, and would be upgraded so that there is no/minimal loading (the original had very excessive load times). The music and sound would also be improved and voice-overs re-recorded to increase the quality of the presentation. The CGI animated sequences would be replaced with real time cinematics, and the game itself could become more surreal, and cinematic (I like cinematic experiences). The ability to jump would also help Kain to access new areas, and the magic system would be improved to include Telekinesis, and make the Soul Reaver worth using and not such a drain on the magic. Making this a cross platform effort will also help Silicon Knights reach a larger audience, as well as rekindle dwindling interest in this brilliant franchise. The Nintendo Revolution would also open up interesting game play possibilities. You know it'd be as much fun using that controller to wield the Soul Reaver as it would be to swing Link's sword.
Ideal Platform: Xbox 360/PS3/Nintendo Revolution.
2: Resident Evil 2: The GCN got a brilliant remake of the original, and then made us all cry when RE2 ended up being a measly port. Most critics agreed that the price Capcom asked for a game we've all played to death was too much, and the game play, by now, is simply too archaic to be as much fun as it used to be. RE 2 could feature a complete graphical overhaul, like it's GCN predecessor, as well a few new game play elements that would help improve the overall experience. Ideally, the game could maintain it's pre-rendered backgrounds, (which would be significantly enhanced like the GCN RE 1 was) but when you aim the game would go to the over the shoulder view from RE 4, allowing players to aim precisely. New cinematics could be made in real time taking advantage of the next gen hardware, and the voice acting re-recorded (using classic Clair, since she's been consistent throughout the series, but the new Leon from RE 4.) The music would be re-recorded as well becoming moodier, and more atmospheric. This game would also be an excellent way to reintroduce the series to the next generation prior to RE 5. The Revolution controller would be great for aiming, but the power of the 360 and the PS3 could create a visual experience that would blow you away. A port of RE2 for the Nintendo DS would be fun as well.
Ideal Platform: Nintendo Revolution/PS3/Xbox 360/Nintendo DS
1. Final Fantasy VII: Arguably the best of the series, it is also the most outdated, simply because the style of the games that preceded it has allowed for updates to appear on the GBA that take full advantage of their retrospective potentials. FFVII was a great game, but in hindsight suffers from some pretty serious issues. It was poorly translated to English, it’s graphics never remained consistent going from Anime in fight sequences, and some FMV cinematics, to super deformed, and terribly blocky. The music had enormous potential, but the MIDI is annoying to many, but the game play was absolutely perfect. Little would need to be done to the Game play. The option to switch teammates on the fly like Final Fantasy X would be great, and 4 teammates on the screen at a time would be even better. There's no need to add new content because there's certainly enough there to keep you occupied for hours on end, but the graphics would need a significant upgrade, the story would need to be translated better, and be re-done as cinematics. The in game artwork would have to be consistent, and the game would need to feature full on voice acting (the cast from Advent Children would be great). Graphically, think Advent Children, or at least the impressive tech demo for the PS3. Music would not need to be re-written, but re-recorded as orchestrated tracks. The game could still get away with pre-rendered scenery, but it would be better if it can be re-done from the ground up as fully 3D
Ideal Platform: The way I want it, it could only be PS3.