We may never see these games on the system but I can dream. I did at least try to keep these realistic.
1. Resident Evil 4 Special Edition: Slow sales of the PS2 port made me realize that Capcom errored in assuming that the game would do better on PS2 than it did on GCN. Both systems are on their last legs (Granted GCN more so) and to launch it on a dying system not even a month before the launch of a new console? Then it hit me. The X360 has a number of marginally enhanced ports of games available for the XB, GCN, and PS2 anyway... why didn't Capcom port it to the 360 and add all that content? They could have bumped up the graphics rather than stripping them down and could have been a great addition to the launch line up. Heck I'd have bought the game a 2nd time if it were a 360 title, and considering that RE5 for the 360 will be coming out sooner or later it'd be nice to see it's predecessor to introduce the Xbox audience to the series.
Final Fantasy XII: Xbox 360 is getting FF XI anyway, and with as long as it's taking to get it out for the PS2 it seems kinda worthless to put it out only on a system that's dying. The XBox 360 would give Square Enix the room to improve the graphics, and find a fresh new audience.
Kingdom Hearts II: Same as with Final Fantasy XII, the PS2 is on its last legs, and such a great game isn't likely to do as well as if it were available on a newer system with even better graphics (Okay I'm a graphics whore.) I'm not saying can the PS2 version, but put it available for the Xbox 360 as well, maybe with some bonus content.
Guild Wars: I love this game, but... PC games are not without their problems, and I have top of the line parts. The plug in and play nature of the console would make this a great online experience... especially since there's no monthly subscription fee!
World of Warcraft: Only without the online fee... Its an awesome game but I can't afford this and Final Fantasy, and my wife prefers Final Fantasy so guess what? Yeah... Anyhow it would make another excellent addition to the 360 library.
Half Life 2: It came out on Xbox severely stripped down, why couldn't they wait just a bit longer and put out a perfect port for the 360?
Sims 2: PC version=great, console versions = crappy. The 360 should have a perfect port with the extra features without loosing features. Sims could still grow old, have families and die... unless they become a supernatural force! The 360 version would benefit from having werewolves as well, as the ability for Sims to kill each other if they hate each other enough, but in comical non bloody ways.... (Think Looney toons style of stuff here) and with the possibility that the killer Sim may be caught by the police, so there'll have to be silly body disposals whose effectiveness depend on the creativity level of the killer sim... Ah one can dream... It should also include the Nightlife and University expansions as pack-ins.