@Yamakoichi @Serentor @kidish i had a great gaming rig back then. its not my fault they didnt support my gtx.
dont compare games with cars. and just because im not a snob like you doesnt mean i dont have standards. do you think i just waited 3 months for brink to work? **** no. my point was that it sometimes needs time. now go eat your burger you american fat ass.
@Yamakoichi @Serentor so you are saying that every mmo i played on release deserves a 5.0 just because i cant log into the servers? thats normal. sim city is doing the online thing for the first time, give them some time to iron out the flaws. for example, i couldnt play brink on pc for 2 or 3 months because it didnt support my gfx card and kept crashing on starting - even after multiple installs - but now i can play it. it sucks though but thats my point.
im not a fanboy in any means, i love every console. but hes got a point about making a conference to reveal the ps4 without showing the hardware. it was 2 am when the conference was over and it pissed me a bit off that i didnt get to see anything. i was amazed about the other stuff though. i bet they only showed the controller because of all the leaked images everywhere. it wasnt new to anyone anymore.
@THizzle7XU also, theres so many games coming in 6 months time (appearantly) that i doubt i will be getting rayman over other games such as zelda wind waker hd (if it comes in 6 months that is, just noting the larger install base in 6 months)
I feel sorry for the developers, i would be fricken pissed too. I am aswell since i cant see the reason why they dont release it and still release the game on the other systems after.
@gatsbythepig @Serentor sadly only pc. but its wierd to play with your close friends becaues one of you has to have a server running in order to play in private. on xbox you can just invite to play. so choose: Play on pc with all the awesome mods with thousands of servers running (its not toooo hard to make your own server for minecraft, but its still really tedious) or on xbox without mods and way less skins to choose and limited world production but still a lot of fun with friends.
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