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Serge-Chrono Blog

Trying to get a free ps3

Ok guys, please join the site and do a offer for me so I can get a free ps3. This site is completely legit and a few friends on mine and a person on this site has alerady gotten his ipod from this site. Please, if you need a credit card, please message me because I can give you one.

ESRB, BBFC, rating systems in general useless?

Well as most of you know, the game manhunt 2 is rated AO which basically has the same content as the first one yet was rating AO which basically means that this game will get no commercial advertising and won't be sold in most major stores. Now why do I think the rating system is useless? Well, that reason is because what actually pertains in the rating, let me point something out.

Adult language: This could pertain to just saying damn, f*** s*** bitc* or queer I would say queer and damn aren't as bad as the other words but it can get even worse when they start talking about having sex and such but what do we see on the game box, adult language.

Violence: Here is one of my major points that I want to point out whats the difference between violence. Well, lets say i'm playing oblivion which is, as of now, a M rated game. When I swing at a enemy they started attacking me back while spewing racial insults like N'wah and....I'll just leave it at that. Now, Manhunt, you are practically a angel of death, you are supposed to kill people in the most violence gruseome way you can think of. What do you see on the back of both of these boxes, violence.

Well, i'm a bit tired, and I don't feel like typing anymore so what do you think?

Changing from Tuba to Bassoon.

Well, after my algebra 1 test tomorrow and the day after, I think i'm going to talk to my teacher about changing from Tuba to Bassoon, because as a woodwinds I would get a lot of solos and stuff, and I get a unique sound. Maybe not bass like the tuba but I still like it.I will have to learn treble clef, then how to play on a reed but if I can learn how to play the Bassoon correctly, my capabilities will raise greatly. only a few people in my band can play treble and bass, Brass and woodwinds. What can I say? I always like a challenge.

Different parts of programming.

As most of you know, I'm learning how to program but I recently found out that there are different parts to it when it comes to making games. They have tools programmers, people who make tools so that it is easier to actually make the game. Physic programmers, who well...make physics and a lot of other stuff. I assume that after I learn the language I should try and specify in a field or two while dabbling in the other.


Oh and if anyone cares, which you probably don't :p, My Algebra 1 teacher has recommended me for advance placement Geometry.

School starts back up, and so does my programming.

Well, I've had a great spring break but school offically starts back tomorrow and so does my programming. Other than that, I'm going to Gamestop to trade in 8 old games to get crackdown and EDF 2017 hopefully, I could get some other games though. I'll keep you posted.

I keep my 360.

Well I've been trying to sell my 360 and it just hasn't been working so I'm just gonna keep it and raise the money for a ps3. So...yeah. :p

Crappy Ebay deals.

Well, I did sell my 360 but the guy who bought it had his mother do it for him and somehow Ebay caught on to this and ended the deal with the explanation that "The account was being used by a third party." It's a shame to, I got about 400 for something that was origanally priced 275. Oh well, I'm just going to put the xbox 360 back on ebay so if your looking for one with 5 games and some accessories then just find a ebay account named Serge-chrono for 300 dollars.

My 360 has just hit ebay.

If any of you are looking for a 360 with about 13 plus games and otehr accessories, my 360 with a starting price of 435, is made for you ^^.

Selling my Xbox for a playstation 3

Yeah, its true. As of today I am putting my Xbox 360 on Ebay and selling it for a ps3. I know what most of you are saying. "The 360 has more games out now, the ps3 sucks, What are you gonna play? Motorstorm? Ps3lawls." I am confident in my diecsion for two reasons, A: The ps3 has more games I want at the moment and since I'm not into Fps and most Wrpgs I feel like i'm being left out. B: My cousin and my friend both has 360 so if I ever get the urge to play a 360 game, i'll just heard over there. If you want to buy my 360, 13 games, and a lot of really cool stuff I have I will post the link up to ebay later. Total price is most likely going to be 450 or higher. 


Most anticipated game of NEXT year: White Knight Story: Working title.

Taking a break from programming.

I have to say that I've been taking a break from programing, mostly from frustration, but now that the spring break is here I think I will start programming again. Other than that, the only other thing I need to say is that if your interesting in a programming union, please pm. Well, i'm gonna go play my 360. See ya
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