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#1 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

I loved several RPGs for Playstation. I couldn't choose only one best. My favorite RGPs- Persona, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Cross, Tales of Destiny, Lunar, Xenogears, Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia, and others. I have Lunar 2 but I don't play it yet. My Mega Memory Card killed most of RPGs datas as I didn't finish them.DeafNYCPlayer

Showin some love to Legend of Legaia! Awesome! That'd be my favorite, but I also can't really pick a true 'favorite' as I have a few of them. Most of the well known ones like FF's and Chrono Cross, but also Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Front Mission 3. All great.

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#2 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

I'll admit it upfront, I'm a Socom fanboy. I've heard the CoD games are great, and some friends said that MW2 is the best ever, so it isn't too rough that you sold off CoD4 for MW2. Also, Socom Confrontation is a pretty solid experience. I've played it a few times at a friends house (don't own a ps3 sadly). There are some differences from Socom 3 that you might need to know, as in no more quick sniping, and a lot of the gameplay evolves around 'run n gun' and tactics. It's more clan based, and of course it's only online, no single player.

If all those Socom things sound great, then get Confrontation. If they don't sound great, you'll probably be better off with CoD4 for the comp.

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#3 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Was it? It very well may have been, I'm honestly drawing a blank. It's been a couple years since I played that game and I thought it was Adel at the end, but maybe not. I remember the fight and all the phases with it, just not the boss itself. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll edit it soon. Edit 1: Changed the names around. Thanks again.
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#4 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
!!!!SPOILERS!!!! Well, I think you'll get different answers from a lot of people, being how some games/bosses get a different reaction from people. But for me..... Sephiroth (VII) - Obviously wanting to save the planet. Also, he killed one of the (in my opinion) purest characters in video game history. I was gladly willing to let Sephiroth die, even if it tooka good solid multi-tiered boss fight to do it. One of the best bosses in all of Final Fantasy. Ultimecia (VIII) - I didn't really care that much about this boss. I loved the game yes, but to me I was looking forward to a Squall/Seifer showdown more than I was to fighting Ultimecia. She doesn't really come up that much when I think in terms of Final Fantasy. Kuja (IX) - Same story as Ultimecia, just not that memorable to me. He DID have the whole 'cruel heart, kill everything' thing going for him, but he just didn't seem that intimidating. Although, staying with the true FF form multi-tiered boss fights, his Trance Phase (FF IX form of the Limit Break) did look pretty amazing. Seymour (X) - This guy...was annoying to me. Maybe it was the voice acting that I didn't feel that it fit right, or his unnatrual obsession with Yuna, but I was eager to get him out of the way and hoped that he wasn't the last boss of the game. I was right, but as the original poster indicated, it's tough to really count the last boss fight AS the last boss fight. However, this was one of my favorites because of the entire game and the amount of time and energy I poured into it. Vayne (XII) - This guy owned. He had everything you wanted in a bad guy. He murders a member of his own family in an attempt to control the Empire, he is willing to sacrfice his own brother to maintain his control, and he knows how to control those around him. Smart, Strong, and Decisive. The boss fight that occurs here is just amazing, even though I had troubles with the Gambit system and manually did most of my commands. One of the best. Those are the ones that I've played. Ranking them as most tough, but I'll go with: Sephiroth Vayne Seymour/Sin Kuja Ultimecia Very nice thread by the way.
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#5 Seru_Kai
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The first time I played this game, I was blown away, just a fantastic idea for a game. However, I somehow got to disc 4 at lvl 12 or something around that, and just got dominated. That was...a long time ago, and I can't pick the game up anymore because I just can't hold my concentration for it. It's sitting in my closet, about 10 feet from me, but I just can't find that urge to play it. I will say though, it's the best video game I never beat. :)
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#6 Seru_Kai
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1) Killzone - Possibly the most realistic FPS on the PS2, even though the ending (to me) was a let down, the game was still incredibly fun to play through, and online was a great addition. 2) Timesplitters: Future Perfect - Played almost like an adventure game really, but of course all the shooting involved was incredibly fun. One of the best offline multiplayer games out there. Didn't get a chance to experience too much of the online play, but still a great game. 3) Starwars Battlefront - I know it's a 3rd person shooter, but I played about 85% of it scoped in for 1st person, so I counted it. One of the best Star Wars games available, and like #2, great multiplayer fun. 4) Black - Beautiful explosions, big guns, and lots of death. Fun. NO ONLINE....would've been ranked #2 if it had had online play. I'm honestly having trouble picking a top 5, that was one reasoning for throwing in the SW: Battlefront into the mix. I didn't play the Red Factions, but I'd imagine they were all right, considering the computer version was pretty well done.
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#7 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Any Metal Gear Solid endings were pretty well done. Also, Final Fantasy XII, X, and VII were fantastic, with VIII, and IX close behind. I can't believe no one has mentioned Chrono Cross either, that was a fantastic game with a well done ending in my opinion.
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#8 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Mario Kart was the first game I owned, but Legend of Legaia was the game that officially kept me gaming, after I played that I found Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid...done and done.
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#9 Seru_Kai
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
A lot of games would lose some of their charm by being remade I think. However, I'll be a bit of a hipocrit and suggest a few; NFL Blitz - Face it....we ALL love this game. 007 Goldeneye - One of the best shooters of all time with updated controls and graphics?! Super Smash TV - A great, great time waster. Coolboarders - A snowboarding game that made snowboarding games playable. Note that these are from the Playstation, N64, and SNES, and NOT from the Xbox, which I can't stand. And I do agree with original posters idea of Dino Crisis, classic.