The DSi is flat pointless. The DS Lite is used by teens and maybe 9-11 yr olds. WTF WOULD THEY NEED A CAMERA AND A 10 SECOND RECORDER!??!?! The recorder is probably one of the stupidest things on there. 10 seconds? WTF?! Plus with a camera inside and outside, they'd think "Oh, they can finally get a picture of themselevs without the hassle or w/e they want to do." No, alright? A little kid does not need an MP3, two cameras, and all that crap with an overrated failure of a DS. Plus they're startign to make games that need the GBA slot lately, like Guitar Hero: On Tour and the new Decades. I'm wanting Decades but with a DSi, it'll be pointless. Ooh, and the buttons are slightly smaller! Big deeeeeeal. Also, the non-shiny cover makes it ugly looking. Nintendo, you were awesome in the days with the GBC, GBA, and the DS's. DSi = F-A-I-L-U-R-E-!!!!
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