i'm playing or have been for 1night 1 day now ac 2 and like ac 1, following a short period (2hours) of epic boredom making you wondereing why you did go buyin it, you get an awesome lot of 'can't get the controller down! caaaaaaaaaan't ' moments.
yep it is noon i've been playing for hours on end and nothing. i can't get that pad down sme thing hours laters . the thing is, like agathat cristie there is a trick. here is a LOT to collect. i won' list what so you can discover them but there are a LOT to collect and you might fgfind yourself trying to get that thing there that is shinning so much it is lke it is calling you. while you do tha a pickpocket apprears infront of you and you get on with the chase, you brush too much the shoulder of a guard and he and his frined and the ones guarding that spot there you ddn't see at first too are chasing you chasing the pickpocket running for his live over buildings and what not. tackle him kill him or not and the guards are on you. now
i don't get yet how to disarm . i'm on the whole parry/kill thing gameplay wise.
and i just discovered that using the hidden blade to kill opponents in duels is far more gruesome and violent. it is the deadspace 1rst weapon for the whole game kinda dileama. why using other guns when this one is so good?
but it is reallly refreshing and satisfying gameplay wise.
hiting,imposing your force upon opponents brutaly rampaging them. then using the heavy and impressive cimitar, switching back to the hidden blade for that annoying guy always looking for hitting you in the back.
i usually end up doing nothing but jumping around roofs ad killing nozy guards with?..... an arabic accent!
yep it is more Arabic than italian!!
nice touch? involuntary? i don't know but i is funny.
that shiny thing from backthen, you already forgot about it.
you want to ply it? you can, but i advise playing the first one first because even if both re really diff, the first one is way more limited in the wxorlds, abilities.....well lets just say that they ogt with the success, the green light to go overboard with cities and what not. you can een collect armors, paintings from the renaissance, weapons....and have everything exposed in your castle/villa (it is a mansion, RE1 style, with peasants haouses, shops, down the mansion and great castle-like walls).
morality? collecting is addicting
textures, attention to detail, number of hours and gigantic cities (3-4).
i played the first one as i f i was batman so i played that one as that too.
the cities lack life. i mean MORE life. but you will be so into you missions that people will be more of an indrance than any thing.
by the way:
the rhythm of the game, the story the design of the game.....everything is top nortch. forget the ever repetitive 1rst one, this one will ENTERTAIN YOU. non stop.
the only things lacking are little additions . events in town, characters...the hole game seems like a long train goin full speed. what laks is more stations. maybe in ac 3.
there are some things though....clipping.but more textures appearing late. gliches....nothingg much and no gameendingbug.
that game and the edition i waited to buy the complete one, is fantastic. specialy at that price it is now. savor that game well.
2big cities,2 small ones, 1 HQ.by the way, venice is twce as big when you acess what you couldnt your 1rst playthrough. even if there isnt quite much to do kleft but missions races and stuff.
you CAN continue the gathering of the truth though.
it is a shame there isn't romùance in it. kinda like the choice thing for romance and girls. it would be the perfet game for that.