Hey everyone. It's my 20th blog post and to celebrate, I... did nothing at all. :P Well anyways, it's my Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 edition of this super, duper blog and that means that I continue the countdown till' Christmas, today bringing you the Best Visual design award! Wooooo! (This is an 08 release, yes, but I said that i'm counting 08 releases as well, because I played a lot of 08 releases throughout 2009, so yes. Shoosh)
Mirrors Edge (X360)
By far the most visually striking game of the year, Mirrors Edge takes the cake quite easily. It has a beautiful bloom effect applied all throughout the game and everything is detailed excellently. "Mirrors Edge was a diamond in the mother freakin' rough." - Me This game, in my opinion, stands out as a true artistic beauty. There were other good looking games this year, (Tekken 6 and Dead Space looked very nice) but Mirrors Edge was a diamond in the mother freakin' rough. It is gorgeous in every aspect and even if you don't like it's awkward gameplay, it is undeniably pretty. So, to that, I give it my best Visual Design Award. Wohoo!
Anyways, until tomorrow, see ya everyone.