It is the Tuesday after the Monday of your Winter Solstice, meaning today is your December 22nd, 2009 edition of this infamous countdown towards Christmas and today it is my most anticipated title for 2010. Now normally i'd save this for the end, but since I was tagged by Out-Of-Ammo (T-H-A-N-K-S) i've decided to announce it today, so without further delay, here it is.
Final Fantasy XIII (X360)
EXTREMELY obvious, but still, it is true. This game I am looking forward to more than any other game next year. More than Bioshock 2. More than Dante's Inferno. More than God Of War III. More than anything, really. This game is already promising to look excellent. The story looks strong. The graphics look gorgeous and the gameplay looks improved and just as fun as ever. I am very much looking forward to this game and will try to get it as soon as it beccomes avaliable.
And Now For My 10 Facts
- I'm eating the crust of a piece of pizza right now
- I'm watching Nickelodeon while typing this
- I'm going to go get a Mountain Dew in a minute or two (RHYME!)
- It's 6:37 PM where i'm at right now
- Six facts to go
- Now five
- I have an Xbox 360, but no PS3 (I also have a Wii in my house and a PS2)
- My laptop's brand is HP
- I just hit the Shift key five times causing the Sticky-Keys message to come up
- I'm NOT going to tag any of you, so don't worry
Well that's it. Thank goodness the torture is over. Lol. Nah i'm kidding. It wasn't so bad. Well that's all for today. Until tomorrow, se ya'll.