Z u n e ? O r i p o d ?
Blue: Zune for sure.
Red: Ipod ftw!
Green: Uhhhh. Do I have to pick???
Blue: Yes. You have to pick Zune.
Red: No. Ipod is the way to go.
Green: Uhh. Which one is better???
Red: Ipod. Duh. It has a huge supported marketplace for millions of songs, thousands of videos and loads of games!
Green: Oh wow. Sounds nice!
Red: It is! And, best of all, you have a huge line up to choose from! The Nano, the Shuffle, the Touch, and more, all ranging in price and features!
Green: Oh boy! Sounds wonderful!
Blue: Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast. The Zune may not have the BIGGEST store around, (Wal-Mart *Cough, Cough*) but we still have a pretty dang big selection of music and videos. Plus not to mention, all of our games and 'Apps' are free of charge.
Green: Oh nice!
Blue: Nice indeed. We also may not have as many models, but do you really need an Ipod touchy, speaky, nanoshuffle mind reader 2.0 phone?? No, we keep it simple. Zune HD touch screen and just a good ol' Zune 80 and 120. And for you light music listeners, the Zune 8 and 16.
Green: Sounds simple. I like it.
Red: But what about our apps! We have thousands!
Blue: Oh yes. Because we all know that it's compensating for something that it lacks. Or rather THOUSANDS of things it lacks.
Red: Oh here we go again. Well at least people actually BUY the ipod. I mean really. What the hell's a 'Zune' anyways?
Blue: Oh sure, sure. Attack the name of product, yeah that'll help your case, you stupid red apple eater.
Red: Oh you wanna go punk?
*Red and Blue get into a huge fight creating the largest fight dust cloud you've ever seen. Green just shrugged his shoulders and walked off*
Here's the question. Which one do I own?