Hello, hello readers! Here is one of my major blog updates! (I generally do 2-3 mini updates in between my major updates) Anyways, I am here to bring you news on several different topics. They include a game that I am hyped up about, a cool website for all you 360 achievement hunters and my first impressions on some good ol' DLC. I'm also gonna brake it down chunk by chunk and picture by picture so you all don't get a migraine from reading this. :P Oh and there's a free treat for all you who read this to the end. ;) (Well I can't actually make you read this to the very end, but oh well. The fact that you clicked on my blog is good enough for me. Haha) So without any further interruptions, I proudly present, my blog!
Split Second:
This is probably going to be the shortest section of my blog. Lol. But yeah. Split Second is a racing game that is currently being devloped by Black Rock Studio. (The team who brought you the racing game 'Pure') It looks beautiful and BRS (Black Rock Studio) said that it will make use of destructive enviornments, as you can probably see from the picture above. Anyways, this game looks really pretty and destructive. Sound familiar? Yep. This game is probably, whether it likes it or not, going to compete with Burnout. Now, i'm not saying that this game will beat or 'kill' Burnout, but still. I love the Burnout series and if someone else wants to dabble in that destructive, thrash racingtype of game, I say let them. I think it will turn out great. Plus from what i've seen of it, I really don't think it's, in any way, going to rip off Burnout. It looks too unique. Anyways, this game is scheduled to be released in 2010 and is slated for release on the PS3 and 360. Oh and yes. Online play is included. :P
Split Second Links:
Gamespot's 360 page for Split Second can be found here.
All current information on Split Second can be read here.
To add the 360 version of Split Second to your list(s), click here.
True Achievements.com:
Sorry everyone! I searched my butt off, but alas, I could not find a picture for TrueAchievements. :( Anyways, I would still like it if you all read this part, because this is cool. (And just to note. If you are a non 360 owner or you don't care about achievements AT ALL, skip this part) Anyways, True Achievements is really quite simple. You go to their website, you sign up with your current Gamertag and the website calculates how much your achievements should be worth, just based on how many people have it. For example. The 'Key To The City' achievement in GTA IV requires you to complete the game 100%. That means find every hidden bird, complete every stunt jump, everything. It is worth only 100G. That's really low for such a large task, as we can probably all agree. Well True Achievements doesn't actually change your Gamerscore, but instead it just shows you what your 'True' gamerscore is. It changes that measly '100G' to a whopping 337G! It's really not necessary or anything, but I think it's pretty cool. It has a nice, simple, clean interface, much like Facebook, and you can add friends and talk on forums and a bunch of other cool stuff too. Oh and also there's written guides for every single achievements for thousands of games, so if you're ever stuck, just consult a guide. It's quick, easy and fun. So, if you like achievements or you just want to see your True Gamerscore, you should check it out. :)
True Achievements.com Links:
A direct link to the site can be found here.
The Lost And Damned:
And last but not certainly not least, my gaming updates. Now just a few hours ago, I purchased the latest GTA IV add-on, The Lost And Damned. (Or 'TLAD' for short) Now, after experiencing it for about half an hour, I gotta say. It was totally worth the 1600 MS points. I almost feel like I bought a whole new GTA game. There's so many changes, tweaks and additions. New, totally bad @$$ weapons, new bikes, better handling on bikes, new multiplayer modes, new mini games, radio music, NPC's, an awesome protagonist, gah! The list goes on! I was expecting a lot less from this, but boy was I wrong. TLAD adds so much stuff that for $20, you don't care! It's totally worth every cent. So if I had to rate this add-on based on about half an hour of play, i'd give it a solid 9.8. Nothing wrong with it so far, really. Truly excellent Rockstar. Truly excellent. As far as my other updates go, i've just been playing the usual. Call of Duty: World at War with some Fallout 3 and Blue Dragon thrown in for good measure. Nothing huge. Lol.
The Lost And Damned Links:
Gamespot's page for TLAD can be found here.
To add TLAD to your lists, click here.
Bioshock Freebie:
And of course, everyone's favorite part, the good stuff. Basically as a little thank you, i'd like to share with all of you a link discovered. It will start a download for the Bioshock soundtrack! Now, you can listen to the melodies of Rapture wherever you go. Haha. Anyways, this link is totally legal and can actually be found on 2K Boston's official website. But, i've cut out the middle man for you guys and have provided for you the download link. Clicking it will start a WinRar file download for it. So, with that being said, I hope you all enjoy that little treat and I will see ya'll on my next blog. Look out for an upcoming review or two! Peace!