Well let's see. Oh right. About a year ago (September of 2010) I bought a new iPod Touch because I needed a music type of device and I had a lot of extra money. Well I just recently sold it and I am glad to say that I will never, ever buy an Apple product again. Why?
-First and foremost, the prices of the products are absurd. Anyone who is willing to shovel out three to four-hundred dollars for an iPod, kudos to you. You either have a lot of money or wealthy grandparents who spoil you. I just don't see the value there. Limited memory, planned obsolescence date, (because it is Apple) an aging and unimpressive operating system, and more. Some have called iOS "magical". Okay well yeah, in 2007 when the iPhone was first released. But now, it's just another operating system out there trying to compete with others and personally, I would not say that it is winning.
-If you know Apple, you know well enough that they replace their products nearly a year after they have been shelved. You buy a new iWhatever the day it comes out, expect it to be outdated in two years TOPS. That means more money for something that barely improves. I don't think adding a camera is revolutionary nor is adding a second or third or fourth camera. You improved the thinness and the screen resolution? Oh well let me just pull out my wallet and give you $300 for that.
-Apple products do work as advertised and they do their job fine, but what they do isn't impressive by today's standards. They run apps. Oh you can bank online on your phone? Okay well so can I. Go online and go to http://www.mybankaccount.com. Oh you have games? Okay so do I. Just because I don't have to desire to play Angry Birds whenever I want doesn't make me inferior to you or your iPhone. To me, Apple products are nothing special. People just like the idea of having Apple on their laps or in their pockets. Not I.
That's just a few reasons why I don't like Apple products. Apple Inc.? I don't have beef with them. They've never done anything to wrong me personally. Their products work and they make money. That's what companies do. I just don't like the stuff they make. It's unimpressive. For all you Apple lovers out there, I'll stick to Oranges, thanks.