Look at anything that's popular. Call of Duty, Justin Bieber, whatever. If it's popular, people are gonna have opinions and opinions are like butts. Everybody has one, but nobody really gives a crap.
We may have another game crash if quality takes a large dip or we're being charged a lot more for a lot less. It's not likely considering one company doesn't have a grip over the industry (like Atari did) but it could still happen if they're not careful.
Tekken will always be my favorite, but I may give this a try. I never really gave this series a chance because they don't release a whole lot of them on that many systems. As long as it's a solid fighter, screw the rest. That's all I want.
DLC can just be paid for later? Hmmm. Now the only question is whether or not you want the artbook and music. The rest doesn't seem worth the extra dough.
This is one person's opinion folks. It isn't the all knowing, definitive truth of this game. I know I'll still check it out and I'll decide for myself whether or not I enjoyed it. If you focus a little bet less on the numbers and a little more on the words, you'd see that he actually makes some very valid points. But again, that's just my opinion.
I used to sit in a dark room and watch intense grudge matches of my brother and good friend playing Killzone on the PS2. Being there, in that excitement, right in the midst of the tense competition between the two? That's one thing I miss most about games. Playing online will never replace that.
Setsuka13's comments