Story isn't the only thing that determines the greatness of a game. Look at Mario...
Gameplay is far more important than story, and Gears of War plays incredibly well.
you've got to be kidding me. how many times have you bounced from cover to cover while getting shot in the face when your real intention was to run?? the cover system is crap and so was its story. in fact Gears of War's story is honestly hilarious. let's put a bunch of meatheads in a game that explains next to nothing.
yeah, it may look good but it's the Ureal engine. if you use it on any console it will always look the same. UT3 used it, and it looked exactly like Gears. Guerilla games developed an entirely new engine from the ground up for KZ2 and it looks amazing. I'm pretty sure most people will agree.Oh and to those who call it "Blurzone 2," you guys are idiots. I'm testing the beta right now and it looks phenomenal. I'll admit that Gears is a good looking game and probably the best for the 360, but KZ2 will rise to the top as far as graphics are concerned. I guess it helps that it plays extremely well also. And just a reminder, KZ2 is in a pre-Alpha stage. It doesn't even launch until February.
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