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As you might've guessed from the lack of updates, EA didn't recruit. Also to my bad luck, Sega Europe are also not recruiting QA staff at the moment.

This leaves me with a few choices. I've had a lot of down time to think about what I should do with my future. Among the prominent questions is whether I should rejoin the games industry.

The truth is I don't know what to do, jobwise! With my graduation ceremony just around the corner, I have a long empty road ahead of me that I need to fill. Hopefully with something worthwhile. Whether I consider a job in the industry as worthwhile is a debate in itself.

All three current Splinter Cell games

Bought them all from Amazon just now including Operation Baracuda and a mission pack for number one, all for £30 - not bad for some supposedly top games by Ubisoft :D Definitely something to look forward to after my last exam. Double Agent is looking pretty spiffy too.

Still no word from EA. Looks like they have their summer positions all filled up - I'm contemplating re-applying for my old job at Sega but I'm not entirely sure about my future!

Gotta spend time to think... and play lots of games in between ;)

Uh oh!

GameSpot revoked my membership, coincidentally on the same day that GameSpot UK launches!

Not a happy bunny :evil:

[EDIT] Thanks to GameSpot Tech Support for the prompt fix :D

Electronic Arts

Well there it goes - my application for a summer internship at EA Europe has just flown across the interweb and into the company's (probably) saturated inbox.

I applied last year at the same time as my Sega application and I can assure you I checked my email more often than usual, hoping the ultimate reply would come back, but alas it was not to be... I waited in vain... and then I got Sega :D

Why am I not returning to Sega? I can, but nowadays Sega as a games company is small-fry, and in an industry where experience counts for so much in job application, variety is king.

Worst comes to worst, I can try to go back to Sega HQ, West London - but this summer I have a bigger twinkle in my eye 8)


Got exams at the mo - no time for games!

/maybe I can play a couple when I break :twisted: