Fallout 3 No Doubt. Ive gotten the Platinum Trophy, and im still loving it. Who gets tired of blasting a poor innocent town with a nuke? Or maybe desfusing a nuke and saving the the little town. Whatever your gaming is :D
I have 2 as of the moment, they each have only been in 1 game each, but they each have sequals coming, and I know just about everyone has heard of them (just about)
I was looking through the game drawer again, and the first game that popped at me was Merc's 2, and now with trophies. So I've been playing for awhile, and im only one trophy away, 'Everybody wants some' if anyone who has it, can you add me and help me get the trophy? Id highlyappreciate it. Thanks in advance :)
I prefer Fallout myself, but Oblivion is a an amazing game no doubt. Its always fun replaying the Dark Brotherhood, or sneaking around under the commandment of the Grey Fox :) I also have the GoTY, and anyone who does not own Oblivion, I highly recommend it, GoTY or not
I just downloaded it. When I pressed the new map, I automatically had 3 other PPL playing. If you want someone to play with, add me PSN ID: Sgt-Smokeyy Im ussually on at night. Ohh and just a warning, this map is the hardest so far, BY FAR!!!!
Belive it or not, I hated it. I had the hardest time finding .44 Rounds, so I just stuck to the Xuanlong Assassult Rifle, because I had sooooooo much 5.56 Rounds. I never ran out
I found inFAMOUS very fun :) if the two playthroughs (Hero and inFAMOUS) dont keep you entertained, collect Power Cores, or Do side missions and own all 3 districts :) Trophies kept me going along way :)
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