Level 12:Rad Racer(50.8 %)
250 posts
Installed Command and Conquer Generals with it's expansion Zero Hou and Ground Control
Sgt5thboard Blog
TANK BATTLES I made so far..
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I made a pol on Tank battles in my Medal of Honor Union and sadly,not a lot of people is participating and moreover the axis tanks are winning!!Next time I'm gonna make it like General corkg-Allied tank vs Allied tank and Axis tank vs Axis tank.That way it guarantees a spot for the Allies
Level 11
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
I now finally reached level 11:Atomic Punk!!
Some updates on my gaming activities:
Downloaded and played Battlefield 1942 conversion Forgotten Hope
Buyed a new ,but unplublisized game called 3D Airstrike 2.
Some updates on my gaming activities:
Downloaded and played Battlefield 1942 conversion Forgotten Hope
Buyed a new ,but unplublisized game called 3D Airstrike 2.
FIFA world cup
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well, I must say that it was kind of dissapointing for me as ENgland lost out on penalties to Protugal:cry:.(HACK Cristiano Ronaldo!:evil:.So I supported France for the World Cup as they beat Portugal!!YAY!!!But in the end lost out to Italy on penalties also on the day of the FINAL!!!!
Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Wohoo!!After mothns of searching and borrowing my friends Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers,I finnally get to have these shows!!!And the best part is I've found a shop that has all the 10 episodes of Band of Brothers with a free bonus episode.
Results of the Scrablle tournument
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I did quite well,4 wins 2 loss and a draw.Altogether I ranked seventh.WOHOOO!!!
Scrabble Competition
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I'm having a Scrabble Competition in Penang and I hope I can get a good result.It is held in City Bayview hotel and wooh!400 participants are entering.
For those Football(UK) or Soccer(US) fans out there,I'm supporting England and hope they can win the World Cup!!Ole...Ole....OleOleOle..Celebrate the Day!!
For those Football(UK) or Soccer(US) fans out there,I'm supporting England and hope they can win the World Cup!!Ole...Ole....OleOleOle..Celebrate the Day!!
The aftermath..
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I'm back from my trip to Langkawi and it was quite fun as I can travel with my good friends.But there was one girl who we all don't like for her "easily angered " attietude.She wasn't actually in our group and always liked to interfere in our group plans even though she isn't in our group.So,one day we just told her off that we all HATE her.Well,after that everything became better.But,I did not do well in my test and my mother cut short my computer playing time and I'm able to play only on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. :'(
Off duty for quite a while..
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I may not go online in Gamespot.com for a while because school holiday's about to be done and I'm going for a holiday trip.So,I'm really sorry if I can't go online.I will tell you more about the trip if I can go online. PEACE!
Yay!Three good news on D-Day!
by Sgt5thboard on Comments
Well,I have three good news!First,I have been promoted to Officer in my union called the "Medal of Honor Union",second I have leveld up to level 10,My first double digit rank on D-Day! and last but not least,yes it may not be such a big sucess but I have posted 100 topics.
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