Hey there! Things are going well for me these days. Here are my updates in life:
(1) My car accident has been resolved. My parents are helping me out a lot with the costs. I am really fortunate to have them because I know they have my back when I need help. It's really a testament to how good our relationship has become, and how much we have evolved as family members. I will never forget the opportunities they have provided for me, and I can't wait until the time when I can somehow return the favor.
(2) School is going amazing! For some reason, I am doing really well on my tests and assignments these days. I have gotten straight 90's in Calculus, Spanish, English, and French for the past few weeks. It is surprising, but I guess it is because of all the studying I have been doing lately. I am very happy with my grades! I even applied for a couple scholarships. I may not win them, but I at least threw my name in the ring. Who knows? Maybe I will outshine the other candidates, and get some extra money for school.
(3) I finished all my military tests (the CFAT, physical test, medical exam, etc.),and now Iam waiting to hear back from Ottawa. I REALLY hope to start my military experience thissummer. I am really excited by the possibility of becoming a soldier, and exploring any opportunities that being in the military can provide for me.
That's all my news for now. TTYL