Stop me if I'm wrong, but has video game music changed in the last little while? Sure, a good majority of games still have original soundtracks, but more and more games are licensing music from actual bands, case in point are games like EVERY OTHER EA GAME made within the last few years. Not that this is a bad thing. There are several songs I have tracked down from games, which I then proceeded to buy the CD on which the song came from and was pleasantly surprised by other offerings from said artist.
But original soundtracks have come a long way too. I have been with people who mute the TV in favor of a stereo or some other form of background music. But gaming music is actually pleasing now, and adds a feel to the game. While some gamers rely solely on graphics, others on storyline, I prefer the full package. Graphics, plot, music/sound effects, etc. Games just aren't a waste of time anymore. They are an audio and visual experience like no other.
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