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Avatar in Space Chapter 6.

Book 1, Chapter 6: "The Whirlwind"

"And the Spirits proclaimed: 'The Sky shall open above the Earth, so that the Sun may fall in.'"

-The Sacred Scrolls, The Book of End Times, 4:18

Part 1:

Zuko stormed into Zhao's small office and found his prey already waiting for him. The Avatar was in a cryo tube behind Zhao's modest desk. Zhao himself, Zuko was told, would be there shortly. Zuko's mind, however, was tired of waiting. The monk was in front of him and with a few shots of his pulse rifle on the glass; Zuko could have him halfway to the Fire Lord in a few hours. By then, Zuko thought, Zhao wouldn't ever know that...

"Prince Zuko, General Iroh! How pleasant of you both to stop by on my lovely colony." Zhao's personality, much to Zuko's dismay, was unchanged.

"Don't touch the Avatar's cryo tube..." Zhao warned, apparently unsettled by the proximity of Zuko's hand to his rifle. "We are still cleaning Zhe's remains out of the air ventilation system."

"So... here to beg, Prince Zuko, or do we have more decisive plans?" Zhao smiled.

"Actually," Iroh spoke up, "We're just here to beg."

The two men laughed heartily, but Zuko was silent.

"I'm not here to beg. Not to you. Give me the Avatar. I flushed him out of his hiding place in the Kyoshi System. You stole him from me." Zuko lunged threateningly towards Zhao, but Zhao pushed him back.

"Actually, I drew him out." Zhao affirmed "You'd be surprised what a couple starving villagers will do to ensure their lives are protected. Their leader was especially helpful in delivering the Avatar to me. You were just chasing ghosts in space, as usual."

Iroh placed his hands between the two. "Zuko. Commander Zhao. If you want to fight, do it later. I know the Kyoshi Warriors and they would never hand over the Avatar, especially to you, Commander Zhao."

Iroh turned to Zuko. "And you should take your defeat with honor."

Zuko went limp. The silent warrior turned away and walked out of the office. Iroh only heard his nephew say: "What honor?"

Part 2:

Katara slinked through the bowls of Zuko's ship, dreading what awaited her at the end of the tunnel.

"Sokka?" Katara whispered into the two-way wireless. "Sokka, answer."

"Where in the Hell are you, Katara?" Sokka seemed nervous over the radio.

"You know very well where."

"Oh. I'm still hoping this is just a bad dream. I'm probably gonna wake up any second."

"That's right, Sokka. Optimism. I've always said that that'll win the war."

Katara reached the end of the tunnel. Now was the hardest part. Five steel bars stood between her and her destiny. She had been waiting for the Avatar to return her whole life. And she was going to be damned if she didn't do something to stop Zuko and his firebending army from delivering some poor old man to the Devil himself.

Cold touched her neck. Katara looked up and smiled. Water.

Part 3:

Aang was awake. Those Fire Nation goons outside botched it. They botched cryo freezing someone. Aang still couldn't believe it. Sure, his body was frozen solid, but his mind... well... his mind was racing around. And as Mr. Big Sideburns and The Fat Man talked, Aang was learning more and more about... well everything. Mr. Sideburns has a daughter... that little detail might be useful in getting out of here. Never hurt to have a hostage. Names... names... names... Zhao, the sideburn man... Iroh, the fat man... Kami, the daughter... So those are the wonderful people who thawed me out.

I'll repay em back some time.

End of Chapter.

I wrote this one using the techniques that another fanfiction used. This is my best yet, especially the Zhao part. Please comment, I want to know I'm doing this the right way. Suggestions, as always, are encouraged.

-Sgt. Hydra